Film maker from La Rochelle, Romain Juchereau, and his new 6'5 Snubb Single Fin....
Been a while between blogs...busy in the daily ritual of surfing and shaping without distractions....These boards above are "Beans"... been working on them with Josh Gunthorpe directly for a few years now.... I finally got to make myself one with new super upright fcs quad fins.... situated around the Quartet measurements....and am the most excited I've been since riding my first Quartet.....
Totally compacted volume, with a rolled deck, low nose entry to accelerated tail lift, area nose and tail, surfed 6-8 inches smaller than a standard shortboard, they paddle and surf way beyond their measurements......The bigger one on the left (I have been surfing)is 5'8 x 20 3/8x 2 5/8 x 16 1/4 N x 16 3/4 T ..... Surfed in 1 to 5 ft so far and am gobsmacked....