Has been a while between posts etc and apologies for the slow replies on the emails.... Just nice to get away from the computer and enjoy the freedom of the outdoors... Josh Gunthorpe and I will be replying to all those email enquiries asap, so hang in there.... 

Meanwhile... Over the past few weeks I have finally quenched my long standing curiosity with a Dual Single Fin idea, adding more drive and hold to the already beautiful glide and pivot feeling of a Single.... It feels exactly how you would imagine, Deep smooth drive, and pivot, no resistance for glide down the line with the double foil / straight tow fins @ 7 1/2" Height x 5 1/2" Base and are 7 1/2 " from tail. She's been ridden in 1 - 6ft waves so far, ...... a lot of potential here for guns as well, anyways still a lot of testing and experimenting to be done but all I can say is and I'm really exited......

Just sent a 5'10 Quartet & a 6'0 2+1 to the Ho'okupu Surf Shop in Byron Bay..
for enquiries contact http://hookupusurf.com or call 02 6685 8861


Sent a heap of Quartets, Singles and Beans to Thomas Bexon and Jake Bowery's shop in Noosa,  Captain Sip Sops, 175 Noosa Eumundi Rd Noosa HeadsQLD4567 

3 going to Taiwan.....
A 6'10 2+1 / Quad combo on it's way to Taiwan........

RHYTHM JULIAN TRUNK from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.

Awesome animation by NZ Guru Bros Nanda And Rangi Ormond!!!....for more info see..http://vimeo.com/112497257
A bunch of Beans, L to R, 6'3, 6'0, 5'8, 5'2, 5'2, 4'11.....

Geez...Looks like Rusty America wanna get barrelled ....

Film maker from La Rochelle, Romain Juchereau, and his new 6'5 Snubb Single Fin.... www.romainjuchereaufilms.com
Its gunna be a great night at the Soundlounge this Friday... Yew!!

Been a while between blogs...busy in the daily ritual of surfing and shaping without distractions....These boards above are "Beans"... been working on them with Josh Gunthorpe directly for a few years now.... I finally got to make myself one with new super upright fcs quad fins.... situated around the Quartet measurements....and am the most excited I've been since riding my first Quartet..... 
Totally compacted volume, with a rolled deck, low nose entry to accelerated tail lift,  area nose and tail, surfed 6-8 inches smaller than a standard shortboard, they paddle and surf way beyond their measurements......The bigger one on the left (I have been surfing)is 5'8 x 20 3/8x 2 5/8 x 16 1/4 N x 16 3/4 T ..... Surfed in 1 to 5 ft so far and am gobsmacked....

I love Single Fins and 2+1's in the tube but when things get into a critical deep situation these new Sweet Pea Quads excelled with the side fins sitting high, holding and gaining speed plus handling the foam balls much better... for some reason or another I didn't have a Quartet for last weeks swell which I'm sure would handled those critical moments just as well.....
Locked into the time machine tunnels that Kirra gives and it really is starting to bring it's old fruit back again...yew.. thanks to oceanstreetcreative 

A bunch of Quartets and a new Sweet Pea couriered to the Indo Isles for more test pilot work via Salsa, there's a video on http://instagram.com/salsaberryfin  photo: http://www.tbhphoto.com and https://www.rvca.com/t/advocate/jimmy-jazz-james

   A couple more from Kirra .... jaybutton.com
   .....from last Friday at Kirra on a 6'6 2+1 thanks to jaybutton.com and sunhouse.com
   Emotional roller coasters with perfect waves and hideous crowds......

Corrugated Channels really help a single fin.....but aren't essential...

Singles, Twins, Quartets, Sweet Peas, 2+1's , they are all coming through thick and fast at UWL in France, Good news is I can now deliver boards made at our Factory in Australia to U.S.A ...

0ne, two, Quartet.....

Heaps of boards coming through UWL in France at the mo...

     6'2 Quartet.... pic. pete lescelle photography
Josh Gunthorpe - 4'11 butter bean

A 6'2 x 20 1/2 x 2 7/16 Flat Deck Quartet in motion....

Jams at Sunhouse with Zac Gunthorpe......http://sunhousesurf.com

just made a 6'10 x 20 x 2 5/8 single........https://www.facebook.com/petelescellephotography

Uncle Pete is around and capturing all life's moments, here's a couple from yesterdays morning......

...was great to sea Nicholas Charmers today! look forward to some loving colabs...

Bunyip Dreaming.... maybe..

More Salsa...Quartet......http://www.tbhphoto.com

Part time wet rub guy, Nath and his  5'8 x 20 1/2 x 2 1/4 - 2+1 Egg, with 4 curved channels...